Fine-Tune Your Site for the Holiday Season

| James Gardner

In this high-pressure environment, providing a rich, seamless and unique e-commerce experience will be critical to capturing customer attention and driving sales. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Shore up your site search

| Ken Magill

Imagine a shopper walking into a men’s apparel store looking for a black suit. Then imagine a clerk telling him the shop doesn’t carry black suits and

Redesign with SEO in mind

| Jill Kocher

A site redesign or switch to a new platform is kind of like a rebirth it’s one of the most exciting and nerve-wracking times for the entire Internet marketing

Do You Have a Site Search Problem?

| Ken Magill

There are a Few Indicators when there’s a Problem with a Merchant’s Site Search Function. For one, if less than 25% of site searchers click on one of