alibaba group, Alibaba, AliExpress, ecommerce, online marketplace, global ecommerce, Chinese ecommerce, cross-border ecommerce, online security, online security flaw, online security vulnerability, cyber security, cyber security threat

DMA Calls for New Measures to Enhance Data Security

| MCM Staff

In response to the recent spate of data security breaches on retailers and others, the DMA issued a call to action to all data-driven marketers to recommit to DMA’s long-standing commitment to ensure the security of consumer data.

SecureState Releases Black POS Malware Scanning Tool

| MCM Staff

SecureState, a management consulting firm specializing in information security, has developed a custom scanning tool that retailers can use to detect Black POS malware, and other similar strains. Black POS is the reported culprit behind recent retail data breaches, and is also known as KAPTOXA, a more advanced version of the original malware.

Payment Security Breaches Can Be Prevented

| Tim Parry

Karisse Hendrick, the U.S. program manager for the Merchant Risk Council, talks about what merchants can do to prevent payment security breaches from happening, what threats to watch out for, and how to let your customers know they may be victims.

Target, Target Canada, ecommerce, store closings, Canadian retail market, Zellers

Target: Security Breach Affected 70 Million Customers

| Tim Parry

As part of its ongoing investigation into a security breach discovered last month, Target has determined that the stolen information includes names, mailing addresses, phone numbers or email addresses for up to 70 million individuals.