EMV, card not present, CNP fraud, ecommerce fraud, ecommerce fraud prevention, chip-and-pin, chip and pin, ecommerce security, payment security

There’s Nothing Friendly About Chargeback Fraud

| Monica Eaton

Fraud is one of the most common reasons cardholders file a chargeback. But within the category of fraud is a concept quite troubling – friendly fraud. Referred to as chargeback fraud or cyber shoplifting, this type of chargeback is difficult to detect and prevent.

Online Fraud Burdens Merchants

| Daniela Forte

Fraud is a scary thing and it is burdening merchants everyday with higher costs. According to this infographic by LexisNexis, for every $1 in fraud loss, merchants are paying $2.79. While fraud losses continue to grow, many ecommerce merchants believe fraud prevention is too expensive. It is these merchants that experience two times more in fraud losses.

ecommerce fraud, ecommerce fraud prevention, EMV, card not present, CNP, card not present fraud

New Study Offers Snapshot Into Fraud

| Daniela Forte

A new study has found that nearly one in three victims of identity theft have chosen to avoid specific merchants after they have fallen victim to fraud. Here is a quick snap shot into how merchants are handling fraud.