Live from NEMOA—10 Thoughts for Today’s Catalogers
You can learn a lot about the industry by running a catalog business, according to Terry Jukes, president of software firm Ability Commerce. Jukes should know
You can learn a lot about the industry by running a catalog business, according to Terry Jukes, president of software firm Ability Commerce. Jukes should know
The Mixed-Gender Apparel Category Lost About 200,000 Names in the second quarter of 2009, according to New York-based list brokerage services firm ParadsyzMatera.
The Orvis Co.: Cross Channel Merchant of the Year
Black Box Corp., Musician’s Friend: Gold | Crutchfield Corp. : Silver | Computer and High-Tech Equipment
PRINT CHANNEL FINALISTS Children’s Products: Learning Resources, 2008 Holiday Toy; Steve Spangler Science, Making Science Fun!, 2008-2009 Science Catalog
Boundlesss Journeys, Fetchdog: Small Catalog | Silver
IT’S JULY. NOT CHRISTMAS WE KNOW A LOT OF RETAILERS TRY to rush the holiday season, but we don’t have to like it. A National Wildlife Federation catalog
Hanna Andersson, L.L. Bean Kids | Children’s Products: Gold
L.L. Bean, Harry & David | Gifts
Especially Yours,,,, Stewart-MacDonald: Consumer Specialty Products