Mailing Inactive E-mail Addresses Can Be Big Trouble
(Magilla Marketing) With Internet service providers using consumer spam complaints to decide which incoming e-mail to block, housefile hygiene is taking on a new meaning, according to one expert.
(Magilla Marketing) With Internet service providers using consumer spam complaints to decide which incoming e-mail to block, housefile hygiene is taking on a new meaning, according to one expert.
During the next five years, retail store sales are projected to grow by 2.4%. In contrast, e-commerce sales are expected to climb by 13%-14%. Equally
(Magilla Marketing) As online merchants ramp up their e-mail efforts, many risk being unable to handle the resulting spikes in Web traffic–
(Magilla Marketing) As the volume of holiday print catalogs threatens to break the backs of America
(Magilla Marketing) Ten years after embracing permission-based list building
(Magilla Marketing) While e-mail marketers have begun this holiday season by predictably sending more messages, individual campaigns are going out significantly smaller
(Magilla Marketing) Your marketing efforts could be 100% opt-in and your outbound e-mail could still end up being blocked as spam. The problem: list poisoning.
(Direct) San Francisco–Business-to-consumer and business-to-business e-mail campaigns require vastly different creative tactics to drive the highest response, according to a study released yesterday by e-mail service provider Silverpop
Growing an e-mail database isn’t a simple task for multichannel merchants. In fact, in its annual e-mail list growth survey, Atlanta-based e-mail services
Multichannel marketing is helping catalogers and direct marketers augment their house files. But quantity is not better than quality, direct marketers have learned, when mailing to their in-house lists. And the same goes for e-mail lists, especially when consumers can sign up to be on your lists just because they are interested in an offer that doesn’t necessarily target them.