Beyond the Press Release

| Lisa C. Hahn

How many times have you seen a competitor’s company or product featured in a newspaper or magazine article and said, Why can’t my company get coverage

Slow & Steady

| Debra Ellis

There is a breakdown between the theory and the implementation of customer relationship management. The theory seems simple enough: Create a unique shopping

Joie de Vivre

| MCM staff

It’s good to be Vivre these days. The New York-based luxury brands cataloger’s sales rose 54% last year, far exceeding expectations, to an estimated $60

Luxury lives

| Mark Del Franco

It’s tough enough competing for customers and market share when you sell something that’s a necessity. But even Eva Jeanbart-Lorenzotti (below), cofounder/CEO

The Price of discounting

| MCM staff

Simplicity clearly has its benefits. Consider the days before the term multichannel retailing existed. A merchant running a brick-and-mortar store who