The Key to Kiosks

| Shayn Ferriolo

The conventional wisdom behind multichannel marketing is that the more points of contact you have with customers, the more likely they are to buy. So

Petals Files Chapter 11

| Mark Del Franco

Cataloger/retailer Petals filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on May 21, but president/CEO Richard Belenski says that the company isn

People News

| MCM staff

New York-based jewelry and gifts cataloger/retailer Tiffany & Co. appointed Jon M. King senior vice president-merchandising. King, previously Tiffany

A Comeback for Chiasso

| Shayn Ferriolo

Three months after Chicago-based Chiasso filed for bankruptcy protection, the gifts and home goods cataloger/retailer was acquired by CCS Capital, a Northfield,

An Easy Call to Make

| Rama Ramaswami

Doing business overseas may not seem like an attractive proposition right now, but companies have no qualms about using offshore call centers, according