Circulation PLANNING

| Mark Del Franco

Uncovering some sort of circulation trend this holiday season is like trying to wrestle an octopus. Just when you think you have it pinned down, another

Wrong numbers

| MCM staff

Listen up, catalogers: Proofread your phone numbers before you go to press. This sounds like a no-brainer, but if a mistake can happen to L.L. Bean, it

Benchmark 1999 Production

| MCM staff

This month marks a redesign of our Benchmark survey series. The research results and analysis are now divided into clear survey segments and presented

Breaking creative rules

| MCM staff

Before you break the rules of catalog design, you need to understand what they are – and why they workCatalog design has come a long way from the industry’s


| Paul Miller

Empowering your service and order-taking reps to do whatever it takes to solve customer problems can help you retain customers and even win over new ones


| Mark Del Franco

In the apparel industry, where return rates can run as high as 30%, it makes sense for catalogers to simplify the returns process. And many apparel catalogers