Designing a more worldly Bearcom

| Paul Miller

To emphasize that its wireless communications products enable customers to communicate around the globe, $145 million Bearcom Wireless Worldwide overhauled

ALC, DMI mull merger

| Paul Miller

American List Counsel (ALC) may become a bigger fish in the list industry pond. The Princeton, NJ-based list firm has signed a nonbinding letter of intent

New line, new look at Artville

| Peter Girard

While its competitors focused on stock photography, the Artville catalog prided itself on specializing in stock illustrations. But after three years of

`How can I reduce my load time?’

| MCM staff

The largest component of a Web page, and the part that makes download time the longest, is the graphics. The easiest way to reduce the download time is


| Sherry Chiger

Acquisitions and the Web: These two issues have been driving the catalog industry for the past couple of years, so it’s no surprise that they’re key to

The i.merchant 40

| Sherry Chiger

Many of the companies that make up the i.merchant 40 listing of the top online marketers aren’t household names – unless your household consists of electronics

Your catalogs are doomed!

| Irwin Helford

Yes, your catalogs are doomed – and so are most of mine. They just won’t work in the future. In fact, mail order catalogs as we know them today won’t