Turn Off the TV

| MCM staff

With the launch of an online version of his Turn Off the TV catalog, president/founder Tim Zier is urging parents to turn on their computers-not to play

Tailoring the text

| MCM staff

Let’s suppose you come upon an attractive-looking catalog and open it to a random page. Four items are on that page-1) a garment that, in loose art, resembles

Successories gets back to basics

| MCM staff

To slash debt and reduce overhead, Aurora, IL-based motivational products manufacturer/marketer Successories put its The Golf Co. from Golf Digest catalog

Femail Creations

| MCM staff

The founder of gift catalog Femail Creations, Lisa Hammond, had no intention of developing a Website. But the constant demand from her catalog customers

After the marriage: moving in

| Mark Del Franco

As in other industries, consolidations and mergers are sweeping through the catalog business. But only after the courtship, when it’s time to integrate

Critical issues & trends

| MCM staff

Despite the overseas fiscal turbulence that’s been threatening the U.S. economy for months, and before the scandal in Washington came to a head, the participants

Pet peeved

| MCM staff

It may be hard to imagine the King of High Tech, Sharper Image catalog/retail empire founder Richard Thalheimer, steam-cleaning pet stains out of a carpet,

Bird Baths

| MCM staff

A new line of bird baths from Winged Aquatics that sit on the ground-where most birds in the wild find water-is said to attract more species than traditional

Blair’s new process

| Diane Cyr

Meet a loyal Blair Corp. shopper. She’s been buying Blair products for more than 20 years, ordering jackets, shoes, blouses, and skirts at least once

The domino effect

| MCM staff

Every silver lining has its cloud-or so the tale of spiritual and Christian gifts cataloger APG-Direct suggests. Stable paper prices and healthy sales