The domino effect

| MCM staff

Every silver lining has its cloud-or so the tale of spiritual and Christian gifts cataloger APG-Direct suggests. Stable paper prices and healthy sales

Deluxe sells books-finally

| Paul Miller

Deluxe Corp., which had been searching for a buyer for its Current Social Expressions and Paper Direct titles since November 1996, finally found one.

A Y2K FIX crisis?

| Mark Del Franco

If your catalog’s computer system is not yet Y2K-compliant, you may have missed the deadline. With little more than 12 months remaining before the year

Information highway robbery

| MCM staff

Direct marketers lose nearly $100 million a year to fraudulent transactions, according to credit card processor Paymentech. And the losses may skyrocket

Database-driven deals

| Mark Del Franco

Merger and acquisition activity remained strong in the third quarter, as 32 deals were consummated, compared to 30 during the previous quarter and 30

10 bright ideas

| MCM staff

At the recent Fifth Annual Business-to-Business Database Marketing Conference, cosponsored by Catalog Age’s parent company,PRIMEDIA Intertec, and the