Backroads (

| Peter Girard

It’s the ultimate marketing challenge: How do you convince customers to make a large purchase of an intangible item they can’t sample, haven’t tried before,

Intranet marketing, by the book

| MCM staff

Do you know how much your company spends on business-related books annually? If not, you’re not alone. That’s why on July 14,, the

F.A.O. Schwarz, Fall 1997

| Melissa Dowling

What is purple and furry and has a big smile? It’s Barney, the friendly television dinosaur-and the cover model for the Gold Award-winning F.A.O. Schwarz

It ain’t over yet

| Paul Miller

Although the U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors announced that the new rates of its highly complex postal rate case will be implemented on Jan. 10,

When renting makes sense

| Mark Del Franco

As the holiday season fast approaches, names aren’t the only thing catalogers are planning to rent. Savvy mailers have found they can save money-and precious

High Country Gardens, 1998

| Melissa Dowling

Xeriscape: to embody the principles of water conservation through creative landscaping. High Country Gardens: a Silver Award-winning catalog specializing


| MCM staff

Alternatives to alternative media I read the article “Best bets for prospecting” by Jack Schmid in the April 15 issue twice and liked it both times. I