Spiegel’s Big Mistake

| Sherry Chiger

We’ll keep the big book going because according to our research in Europe although we’ve not researched it here in the U.S. people use big books for planning

Get ’em to Bite

| David Sparrow

Ken Seiff, the CEO of, has a simple mathematical formula for obtaining new customers: More site traffic = more business. With that guiding

March Retail Sales Down 0.7%

| MCM staff

March 2003 retail sales were 0.7% lower than sales for March 2002, according to a survey by information services firm ShopperTrak. The survey also showed

Succeeding by Exceeding

| David P. Himes

Remember the good old days you know, six or eight years ago when your competitors were the other catalogs that landed in mailboxes along with your book?