Growing Global, global, global ecommerce, France, Germany, cross border, retail, online retail, returns fraud, returns policy, Europe, EU, EU consumer rights directive

New China Ecommerce Guidelines a Focus at Growing Global 2015

| MCM Staff

China’s recent move to boost its cross-border ecommerce capabilities will be one focus in this year’s Growing Global conference, taking place July 21-22 in Hollywood. But Growing Global is not just about China. Take a look at what else you can learn as a conference attendee.

Walmart holiday mobile app on an iPhone

36% of Global Mobile Payments are Made on iPhone

| Tim Parry

iPhone devices account for a massive 35.6% of all browser-based transactions made using mobile devices, and are now used for 10.2% of all global online transactions, according to the most-recent Adyen Mobile Payments Index. So is it time to work on your Apple Pay strategy? Find out more here…