New Lists

| MCM staff

DOLL SHOPPERS The NationsBest Female Shoppers with Doll Loving Girls file has more than 520,000 names of mothers with girls ages 6-10 who buy dolls, toys,

New Lists

| MCM staff

JOIN THE CLUB This list has the names of more than one million current and former members of continuity clubs. These names come from different types of

New Lists

| MCM staff

EQUINE TIMES Equine Times, the official publication of many horse clubs and associations throughout the Midwest, has made its subscriber list available

New Lists

| MCM staff

TEACHERS BY NAME This list has the names of more than 2 million teachers of day care, pre-kindergarten and kindergarten who are selectable by income and

My Seasons

| MCM staff

Spring is just around the corner, and with that in mind, the Cybercritic digs into Websites selling gardening productsReviewed October 25, 3:30 p.m.,

The Secret Shopper

| MCM staff

Scooters, singing fish, robotic pets, and Palm Pilots were reported to be hot gifts for holiday 2000. Below, a comparison of prices, stock status as of

New Lists

| MCM staff

SHOE EXPRESS The more than 20,000 buyers from the Shoe Express catalog for casual and fashion footwear have specialized shoe sizes ranging from sizes

Voci Corp

| MCM staff

Voci’s Catalog V-Suite enables call centers of any size to quickly, easily, and economically implement speech recognition for CatalogRequest, OrderStatus,

New Lists

| MCM staff

ARIZONA HEALTH The 8,100 buyers of vitamins and herbal supplements from Arizona Health Foods through direct mail are available for rental through Conrad

Neopost Logistics

| MCM staff

Neopost Logistics Systems help make our customers profit-able by applying Information Technology to create small parcel, multi-carrier outbound Logistics