A catalog cheerleader

| Joan Burden Litle

Just read your March 1 editorial and agree that all the rate increases could be upsetting. But like you, I like to focus more on the positive side and

Pondering postal price hikes

| MCM staff

This month’s questionHow will the proposed postal rate hike affect your catalog circulation and projections?Not surprisingly, most of the small catalogers

Building a Better Brookstone

| Diane Cyr

As a gadgets marketer with “innovation” as its tag line, Brookstone in the past few years has innovated:- an electronic barbecue fork- a hair dryer that

`Hit and run,’ he says

| MCM staff

(This letter is in response to the Backword story “…and a service sleeper” from our January issue)As a premier publication in and of the direct marketing

at deadline

| MCM staff

LOOK OUT, HERE COMES SPIEGEL Spiegel Inc. continued its yearlong-plus comeback in high style by announcing a 78% gain in fourth-quarter earnings per share.

APPAREL: statistical overview

| MCM staff

introductionThis month, we debut a series of in-depth market sector reports for the catalog industry. This first 10-page report covers the consumer apparel