UPS, United Parcel Service, FedEx, United States Postal Service, USPS, Shipping/Delivery, shipping, holiday forecast, holiday peak 2014, 2014 holiday, retail, ecommerce

Some Quick Distribution Center Fixes Before the Holiday Season

| Curt Barry

Even though fall is just about upon us, there is still a window of opportunity to make sure you’re distribution center is ready for this year’s holiday peak season. If you’re starting from scratch, or learning from last year’s lessons, here are a couple quick assessments and fixes to help get your distribution center facility, staff and operations prepped and ready for this year’s peak season.

Growing your Global Presence Means Going with the Business Flow

| Tim Parry

Global consumer products manufacturer Newell Rubbermaid grows its global ecommerce presence by focusing on areas is already doing business, and matching that up with where ecommerce is either already big or is emerging quite a bit. In this video, Newell Rubbermaid Vice President of Global Ecommerce Jeremy Liebowitz gives us a look at the company’s cross-border strategy.