How Brands Can Turn Dimensional Weight Pricing to their Advantage
Instead of panicking, retailers can embrace dimensional weight pricing as motivation to upgrade operations, making them more efficient and eco-friendly.
Instead of panicking, retailers can embrace dimensional weight pricing as motivation to upgrade operations, making them more efficient and eco-friendly.
Walmart’s ShippingPass will offer unlimited three-day delivery of eligible items purchased on Walmart’s website. Google’s buy button follows in the footsteps of Facebook and Twitter, which have both added similar functionality to enable purchases without navigating to a third-party site. Here’s how both Walmart and Google will put pressure on Amazon.
Shipping matters big time to online consumers. And it matters even more to cross-border customers, because, most likely, shipping cost is a higher percentage of product cost for them than for domestic shoppers. For those that can provide superior customer experiences in this area, however, shipping and delivery can be a key differentiator.
Endicia Global Service eliminates pain points of shipping to Latin America, including customs delays, high shipping costs and lack of tracking visibility.
A proposed bill would let governors invoke the Taft-Hartley Act to address port slowdowns like the one that caused massive gridlock at 29 West Coast ports.
Hear Dotcom Distribution CEO Maria Haggerty as she discusses the impact of DIM weight pricing with Multichannel Merchant at IRCE 2015 in Chicago.
A listing of recently announced expansions, additions and closures in retail distribution and fulfillment centers.
The decision by UPS and FedEx to expand DIM weight pricing in January 2015 to parcels under three cubic feet was one of biggest changes to hit retail shippers in years. Here’s how dimensional weight pricing has forced shippers to rethink their entire approach to packaging and shipping, as millions of items that had been billed based on weight alone are now subject to a calculation based on weight and package dimensions.
Here are 5 things merchant sellers need to know about the USPS postal rate changes taking effect on May 31 for a variety of services.
The USPS reported a $1.5B net loss in Q2, but a 14.4% gain in shipping and parcel volume, nearly double the 7.3% bump in 2014, boosting operating revenue.