
| MCM staff

Touch of Class didn’t have the worst return rate, but 11% was bad enough. So the home decor cataloger started a quality assurance program. And it has

Rising Transportation Costs –and What To Do About Them

| Curt Barry

For most multichannel merchants, transportation of goods is the highest operational expense. Inbound freight costs for domestically sourced product typically range from 2%-4% of gross sales, while for imported product, inbound freight costs 6% to 12% of gross sales.

Lillian to get even more personal

| Jim Tierney

It’s no secret that Lillian Vernon takes pride in personalization. After all, the venerable gifts and housewares cataloger was founded 56 years ago around

Are Two Carriers Better Than One?

| Jeff Jolin

When it comes to striking a balance between controlling costs and maintaining service levels, is it better to use multiple carriers or a single carrier? That question is becoming increasingly relevant, thanks to dramatic rate hikes and frequent changes in the parcel industry. Both approaches have merit, but to determine what