Operations and Management: Trimming Some Off the Back End
Between renting and paying the utilities for the distribution center, employing and training customer service and fulfillment staff, maintaining the machinery,
Between renting and paying the utilities for the distribution center, employing and training customer service and fulfillment staff, maintaining the machinery,
Take a Stab at This Use of Catalogs You never know what will come up when you type mail order catalogs into an Internet search engine. A recent search
Plane Crazy Publicity Stunt Some 73 years after Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly across the U.S., a plucky dentist from Sonoma, CA, re-created
Offer Article Generates Response Your October cover article Making Them an Offer is overdue and welcome. For many years I’ve worked in direct mail and
After terror came out of the sky on that beautiful September morning, we kicked into what has become, in our nation, predictable response mode outpourings
Pregnant Pause for Baby Catalog Requests I want to thank you for the wonderful resource you provide via the Catalog Age Website. I am amazed by the amount
Whether you’re a star quarterback or a less glamorous order fulfillment manager, getting back to the basics is key to performance and performance measurement.
Sour on Service I am a subscriber to Catalog Age and an inveterate catalog shopper. I was also the owner of a mail order fabric business, Jelhlor Fantasy
Consensus on Collage Covers Regarding your May article Creating Covers That Captivate, we actually thought about doing a cover a little more than a year
Word on the Sheet In your April Backword (Sheets Fit Only for a King or Queen), I found your jab at cataloger Anthropologie for not stocking full- or