Senate Hearing on USPS Task Force Report Postponed

| Mike O'Brien

A Senate hearing on a task force report recommending U.S. Postal Service reforms, scheduled for Sept. 5, has been postponed as President Donald Trump is delaying release of the report. No new date has been set, indefinitely postponing any legislative action, including possible raising of postal rates or even privatization.

Trump Pushed Postmaster to Double Amazon USPS Rates: Report

| Mike O'Brien

With his well-tweeted animosity toward Amazon and Jeff Bezos as a backdrop, President Trump has twice pushed Postmaster General Megan Brennan to double the rate the U.S. Postal Service charges the ecommerce giant and other major shippers, the Washington Post has reported.

Merchants Differentiating in the Last Mile, Returns, Outsourcing

| Mike O'Brien

As merchants search for ways to contend with the behemoth of Amazon – which accounted for about half of ecommerce sales in 2017 – many are focusing on the last mile, returns and outsourcing to battle back. This MCM Outlook report, based on our annual survey of Multichannel Merchant readers, looks at trends and stats in all three areas.