The Impact of the Brand Influencer

Content Manager

I found myself amazed recently by brand influencers. I’m not normally someone who is easily influenced by the latest trends I see on social media, nor am I a big shopper in general, but one particular influencer caught my eye.

She blogs on products related to home, apparel, recipes and products for her family. As I started following her, I found myself wondering, how did she get so many followers (154,000 to date)? What did she have to do to get here? How did she get started? How is she helping the brands she works with?

I realized after watching her Instagram Stories, her crisp, clean, inviting Instagram posts, her website and her Facebook posts, it helps brands tremendously.

For one thing, shoppers want to see someone they can relate to providing honest feedback about products they are considering purchasing. They want to see if something fits right, if that recipe is tasty or how the table setting will look in their own dining room.

What they don’t necessarily want are brands telling them these things. They want everyday people living everyday lives going deep on products they’ve tried. They want authenticity and honesty.

This is why influencers on YouTube are so popular. They offer you a live look at what they’re doing with a wide variety of products.

I can honestly say I have sat at my friend’s house as her children watch YouTube videos of other kids playing with popular toys.

I have watched makeup tutorials videos that teach you how to get the perfect smoky eye. I have watched women showcase their latest jewelry finds on live Facebook and Instagram feeds.

What I like about this particular influencer is, she doesn’t always tell you she loves a product just because she’s sharing it with you. She tells you what she thinks. If those jeans didn’t fit her right, she’s right upfront about it.

After reading her posts I found myself headed to the nearest Target to look at the latest fashion finds she called out. She has me discovering brands I never even knew existing, much less shopped.

Any brand can tell a customer a product is great, through constant social media posts and email marketing tactics, but influencers definitely need to be part of the strategy.

Another thing I love about this influencer: She talks to you like she’s your friend, like you’re sipping coffee together on a Saturday afternoon. She invites you into her life, and you find yourself purchasing the products she recommends.

I also think people love seeing how others live their lives. Influencers invite them in through beautiful photography and videos. Since I discovered this particular influencer, my friends and I find ourselves eagerly awaiting her newest post.

Retailers need to consider using influencers for the share factor. When I discovered this person, I did as many others do – I told my friends about her, who in turn told their friends. Now a whole bunch of women who likely would never have stumbled upon her are discovering new products, styles and ideas – and brands are getting loyal new customers.

And now for the big reveal: “She” is Liz Joy of Pure Joy Home.

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