Delivering benchmarks

| Rama Ramaswami

We aren’t quite sure when the shipping and delivery departments left their modest lodgings in the recesses of the warehouse and entered the boardroom.

Best practices for shippers

| Peter M. Stiles

As competition for carrier resources becomes more intense, shippers that develop effective programs in collaboration with carriers are most likely to

Reducing shipping costs

| Rama Ramaswami

We live in what may be dubbed, to use a clich, the Information Age. No matter what you’re looking for, whether it’s advice on your love life or products

The USPS Rate Case: Insider Tips to Control Shipping Costs

| Rama Ramaswami

Parcel shippers often quip that a postal rate increase every year is as inevitable as death and taxes. But unlike death, which has no gradations, a rate hike can range from minor to exorbitant. As rate increases go, the U.S. Postal Service’s flat 5.4% increase, proposed in the 2006 rate case the USPS filed on April 8, appears to be moderate enough for most shippers to handle.

PCI Pain

| Mark Del Franco

To protect against identity theft and security breaches, Visa and MasterCard have joined forces to enact stringent credit-card security requirements The

UPS to Buy Overnite

| John Fischer

United Parcel Service is buying Richmond, VA-based Overnite Corp for $1.25 billion. The acquisition will enable UPS to expand its ground freight services in North America

Now You See It

| MCM staff

IF YOU LOOK HARD ENOUGH, you just may catch a glimpse of the next big thing in technology. computing, as it is widely called, is a market that’s slated

PAYMENT [ processing ] IN FULL

| MCM staff

Online jewelry merchant’s wares include $1,300 diamond pendants, $3,000 engagement rings, and $4,000 pearl necklaces. Not surprisingly the company