Opinion and Response

| MCM staff

Editorial Is Cool Beans I just wanted to take a minute to compliment you on the tenor and timbre of your March editor’s page essay (Same as the Old Boss?).

Opinion & Response

| MCM staff

As you can see from our front cover this issue, Catalog Age has come a long way in 20 years. Not surprisingly, many catalogers have also changed their

Party Days Over for Panache

| Margery Weinstein

Don and Geraldine Hedberg founded the Panache catalog in 1998 as a celebration of parties and good times. The Libertyville, IL-based catalog sold tableware,

Power Broker

| Karen Berman

SPECIAL SERIES FORECASTING, PART 2 Shortly after Scholastic Inc. started using new workforce management software at its Missouri-based customer contact

Opinion and Response

| MCM staff

CATALOGS WE LOVE Even if you never grasped the basics of the Dewey Decimal System, you’ve got to love the Gaylord catalog of furniture and supplies for