Storehouse Sale Pending

| MCM staff

Specialty home furnishings cataloger/retailer Storehouse announced last week it is looking for a new strategic partner after its parent company, Rowe Cos., filed for bankruptcy.

The Ella Starr catalog is born

| Tim Parry

New York-based apparel manufacturer Mink Marketing has launched Ella Starr, its first catalog and e-commerce site, targeting African-American and Hispanic

Computing 2Q profits

| Jim Tierney

It was another profitable quarter for the business-to-business and computer marketers tracked for Multichannel Merchant by Wellesley, MA-based investment

Home, sweet home catalogs

| Sherry Chiger

As the size of the average American home has been creeping upward over the years, so has the size of the 12-month active universe for the home catalogs

Golden Gate gobbles another

| Jim Tierney

San Francisco-based private equity firm Golden Gate Capital Corp. is wasting no time in its quest to build a billion-dollar family of apparel companies.

Enough blame for everyone

| Sherry Chiger

If only the U.S. Postal Service could use some of the marketing industry’s top talent to promote its pending rate case: Now with more sortation levels!