3 Critical Copy Elements Your Catalog Can’t Live Without

| Matthew Fey

Be strategic and selective with your copy. Obviously, your catalog needs to have basic elements, like product names, prices, color/size options, quantities, whatever informs the purchase decision. Bolster the desire to keep reading with these three crucial copy elements your catalog must have.

5 Ways Small- and Mid-sized Merchants Can Compete with Large Merchants

| Fred Lizza

Jacque Pelletier, founder of Fashion Connection, says that the ability to manage his inventory across multiple platforms has helped the business flourish and differentiate itself from local brick-and-mortar competitors. Additionally, the Fashion Connection, is looking ahead and readying themselves to take on bigger challenges such as mobile commerce.

Catalog Critique: A Look at the February 2012 J.C. Penney Look Book

| MCM staff

Is it a well-executed store-driver, or a poorly-produced web-driver? And is it digitally-friendly, or an iPad eyesore? Everyone has an opinion about the new J.C. Penney look book that hit 14 million mailboxes right after the merchant announced its new brand identity last month. So here’s seven critiques from Multichannel Merchant’s staff and its contributing writers.

Galls Merges with Quartermaster

| Jim Tierney

Galls, a b-to-b merchant of public safety equipment, has merged with Quartermaster, a specialty distributor of public safety products. Though Gall