Customer Retention: 7 Ways to Keep Your Customers

| Geoff Wolf

As we all know, it is imperative to stop consumers and get their attention before we can influence their behavior patterns. The good news is that for customer retention, you have a real advantage with your customers

How GaelSong’s Sales Rose 14.2% in November

| Tim Parry

GaelSong had a successful November. The multichannel Celtic gifts and apparel seller finished the month with its sales up 14.2%, with just a 3% lift in catalog circulation. And that sales boost came on top of a 15.1% sales lift in November 2010.

Can QR Codes in Catalogs Lower PPC Costs?

| Brian Klais

QR codes are the ultimate shortcut, and that is what mobile consumers value most. One of the best shortcuts consumers had available until now is search, which, of course, costs marketers money to use.

Postal Pain Continues With First-Class Mail Changes

| Jim Tierney

Don Landis, vice president of postal affairs for catalog printer Arandell Corp., has seen it all in the mailing industry. At least until now. With the U.S. Postal Service filing a change in service standards to combat an oversized network and alter how First-Class Mail is delivered, Landis foresees a potentially chaotic future for the USPS