| Dave Eckley

In traditional direct marketing, the statement You will receive your order in seven to ten business days actually meant something to both the cataloger

Double the treasure

| MCM staff

Consumer catalogers may think that expanding into business-to-business sales is akin to coming upon hidden treasure. After all, they already have the

ask the experts

| MCM staff

If you are responsible for online privacy issues in your company, your mantra should be Know, say, do. Know what your company is doing, say what your

WEB SUCCESS in 10 easy steps

| Larry Martine

The annals of e-commerce history will remember the year 2000 as the year that should have been. According to research firm, at least 210

Short Takes

| David Pluviose

Chastened dot-commers may still find pot of gold at rainbow’s end; the scoop on who’s into CRM.

working gear

| Ernie Schell

CRM software makes medium irrelevant in contact centers; Web-enables legacy apps Gathering of the Clans What technology weaves disparate components –

Listings: New Lists

| MCM staff

CRM DEMO AND CONFERENCE The names of more than 1,400 customer care professionals who have attended the CRM Demo and Conference on improving communications,