Are we mobile yet?

| MCM staff

NO DOUBT WE’RE ALL GETTING A LITTLE TIRED OF HEARING that mobile commerce is coming and that we need to get in on it now. Tell us something we don’t know.

L.L. Bean, Musician’s Friend Take Top 2010 MCM Awards

| MCM staff

L.L. Bean was named Catalog of the Year for 2010 and Musician’s Friend earned the Website of the Year honors in the 25th Annual Multichannel Merchant Awards. L.L. Bean also took the Cross Channel Merchant of the Year honors, it was announced during a …

Geerlings & Wade Makes Wine Mobile

| Tim Parry

Wine merchant Geerlings & Wade launched a mobile commerce site on May 19. The site, which had a soft launch last week, is designed to bring a simpler home page to users accessing the site from a mobile device, says Chris Edwards, general manager of Geerlings & Wade and the Winetasting Network.

Will iPad Make M-Commerce Mainstream?

| Tim Parry

With Apple announcing that it sold 1 million iPads just 20 days after its April 3 release, Michelle Eichner, vice president of e-mail products for Pivotal Veracity, thinks merchants need to keep it on their mobile commerce radar.