Going beyond rank

| Jeff MacGurn

While rank is certainly important in search engine optimization, it is not the only or even best indicator of SEO success anymore. So why do so many companies

Video: Why Personalized Product Recommendations Matter

| MCM staff

A personalized product recommendation on an e-commerce site can be like that candy bar rack at a checkout aisle. If the product is there, and it piques the buyer’s interest, then the items per transaction may grow. Here’s Chip Overstreet, vice president/marketing of MyBuys, demonstrating the use of personalized product recommendations on the Wine Enthusiast e-commerce site.

Digital prospecting takes hold

| Tim Parry

It’s no secret that marketers have smaller budgets to acquire or retain customers these days. According to a July study by the Association of National


| MCM staff

This month, Sherry Chiger, the new editor of the E-mail Essentials e-newsletter (and MCM editor ar large), takes to the Big Fat Marketing Blog to dish

FREE tools from Google

| Jill Kocher

Google isn’t really in the search business, it’s in the data business. Search just happens to be the company’s most popular free product. Many people