Give site visitors a why-to-buy

| Larry Becker

Why should someone purchase from you and not one of your competitors? An effective Website provides more than a call to action; it offers visitors persuasive

Cross-selling strategies

| MCM staff

Whether the product is fast food, weddings, cars or peanut butter, cross-selling can increase profits and lift natural search traffic. Cross-selling,

R U Ready 4 QR Codes?

| Tim Parry

CONSIDERING MOBILE MARKETING? Then you should probably start thinking about quick response (QR) codes. These two-dimensional barcodes can provide a vital

Perusing the Patagonia site

| MCM staff

Outdoor gear and apparel merchant Patagonia is renowned for its handsome, rugged products and the adventure photography in its catalogs. But how is its

Another MCM redesign in site

| MCM staff

Show of hands: How many of you would say that more of your business continues to shift to the Web each year? Yeah, a lot of our audience is moving to

Merchandising the Web way

| Lauren Freedman

Compared to leisurely perusing a print catalog, the Web is in many ways like drive-through shopping. Catalogs allow customers to peruse a merchant’s assortment;

Live From NEMOA: The Case for SEO

| Patrick Barnard

Search engine optimization — the practice of strategically placing keywords throughout your copy so that your Website ranks higher in organic searches for those particular keywords