Horny Toad Says Catalog Launch is a Success

| Tim Parry

When was asked back in November about the plans of his company, Horny Toad, to launch a catalog that will drive traffic to its e-commerce site, Gordon Seabury let out a little groan of disappointment. But as a marketer and Web merchant of men’s and women’s lifestyle apparel, he knew he has to make the public aware of his products.

Eastwood gets social

| Tim Parry

Since automotive enthusiasts are so passionate about their hobby, Eastwood had good reason to embrace social networking online back in 2004. The move has helped it engage customers, acquire and retain prospects, and build its brand identity.

Best bets for site tests

| Larry Becker

Nearly every Website team tracks site conversion. But few really do anything about it. That is, few use scientific testing to discover real improvements.

The Search is on

| Stephan Spencer

The SEO landscape is constantly shifting. What used to be considered a best practice two years ago may very well be irrelevant today, simply because Web-based

Why Zappos.com is A Service Star

| Jeff Morris

If you build a company on the basis of service, you can branch into other areas, says Alfred Lin, chief operating officer/chief financial officer of the $850 million shoes merchant Zappos.com.