
PetFlow Reinvents Digital Pet Store Experience

| Tim Parry

PetFlow has rebuilt a state-of-the-art digital pet store, complete with a fresh design and look, to connect consumers to a wide range of specialty pet products, offer personalized advice and enable shoppers to improve the lives of their own pets as well as those of animals in need.

Michael C Fina

Michael C. Fina Transforming Into Online-Only Retailer

| MCM Staff

Michael C. Fina, the world renowned luxury tableware, engagement jewelry and wedding registry resource, announced the next chapter in its more than 80-year legacy, transforming into an online-only retailer. As part of the transition to become an online-only retailer, Michael C. Fina will close its retail location at 500 Park Avenue effective April 16. Here’s a look into how the luxury tableware, engagement jewelry and wedding registry resource will transition into an ecommerce-only model.

3 Ways Brands Struggle with Personalization

| Jan Vels Jensen

Modern consumers have high expectations of the brands with which they do business. Given the impact of social media, user-generated content, mobility and an increasingly competitive online marketplace, it’s really not surprising. Here are three ways brands are struggling with personalization.

ecommerce fulfillment, shipping data, distribution data, Warehouse/Distribution Center, ecommerce shipping, direct-to-customer fulfillment

Is Your Customer Offered a Swipe Right Or Left?

| Emil Eifrem

Retailers should be taking the data they have accumulated from various multichannel interactions work much harder for them. Here are several ways to take full advantage of the data that is available for your business.

ecommerce fraud

How Merchants Can Mitigate their Ecommerce Fraud Risk

| Tom Byrnes

While online sales are booming, it is leading to increases in ecommerce chargebacks and fraud, leading to rising operational costs to manage these twin issues effectively. Here are some tips to help you successfully mitigate fraud risk and reduce the instance of chargebacks.