ecommerce fulfillment, shipping data, distribution data, Warehouse/Distribution Center, ecommerce shipping, direct-to-customer fulfillment

Are We Out-Competing Ourselves?

| Lori Mitchell-Keller

Shoppers look pretty much the same as they did a few years ago when smart phones became prevalent. Shopper expectations, however, are vastly different. And guess what, it might just be our fault.

No Surprise: Thanksgiving Ecommerce Sales on the Rise

| Tim Parry

IBM says ecommerce sales for Thanksgiving were up 26% over the same day in 2014, with consumers spending $123.45 per order. So how did online customers shop, and did all retailers survive the onslaught of traffic? Find out here.

Black Friday is a Mobile Commerce Holiday

| Kurt Heinemann

With people using their mobile devices for planning, showrooming, coupon cutting, and just about everything else, you’ll need to make your digital experiences as mobile centric as possible every step of the way if you want to claim your full share of Black Friday’s revenue opportunities.

3 Last-Minute Tips to Optimize for Black Friday and Cyber Monday

| Dennis Callaghan

By now, most retailers have finalized their e-commerce site code for the holiday shopping season and have completed testing to ensure fast, reliable end-user experiences that drive conversions. But, there are ways (and still time, though fleeting) for retailers to proactively protect themselves as much as possible, through the following three techniques.

omnichannel checklist

3 Barriers That Stifle Customer Conversions

| Elan Sherbill

Ultimately, this path to ecommerce success is driven by improving the customer experience. Here’s why merchants need to remove certain barriers to customer conversion, which will create ways for increasing revenue.

ecommerce fulfillment, shipping data, distribution data, Warehouse/Distribution Center, ecommerce shipping, direct-to-customer fulfillment

The Future of Dynamic Pricing

| Victor Rosenman

Broadly speaking, dynamic pricing is a pricing strategy in which businesses set their prices based on market conditions. It simply allows buyers to better assess their options, and it leaves control in the hands of the buyer.