How Retailers Need to Adapt to Millennial Shoppers

| Daniela Forte

Millennials are driving a new era of demand for digital performance excellence. Eighty-one percent of millennial-age smartphone and/or tablet owners across all countries say they will abandon transactions and shop elsewhere if a mobile site or app is is buggy, slow or prone to crashes.

5 Ecommerce Trends That Will Be Game Changers in 2016

| Tara Sporrer

Ecommerce sales continue to grow, generating over $300 billion in the U.S. alone this year. Yet ecommerce still remains a small percent of overall retail sales at approx. 10%. So what can multichannel and ecommerce retailers do to increase their online sales?

5 Tips for Ecommerce Success this Holiday Season

| Karen Miranda

The big holidays are just around the corner for us. It’s that time of year that those who work in online retail and ecommerce management both love and hate in equal measure, but when you get it right, it’s hands-down the most rewarding and lucrative time of the year.