NetSuite Acquires Retail Anywhere

| MCM staff

NetSuite Inc. today announced that it has acquired Retail Anywhere, a provider of multichannel retail management solutions designed to improve the retail customer experience. The acquisition builds on NetSuite’s SuiteCommerce platform.

10 Tips to Build a Multichannel B2B Ecosystem

| Michael Chuma

Building a multichannel ecosystem without upsetting existing channel relationships is a real challenge that requires balancing the concerns of referral and resale partners with the needs of end-customers. Aside from channel conflict, internal resistance can also make the transition difficult.

Busting the Top 5 Ecommerce Myths

| Nicholas Fincher

Like it or not, there is an art to successfully running an ecommerce website. Although the web is filled with survey results, whitepapers, and research on how to make your site better, there is still a lot of misleading information out there that could get you into trouble. In this article, Nicolas Fincher will help clear the air and spotlighting 5 of the most common ecommerce myths.

Innotrac Releases SmartHub Findings on Ecommerce Experience

| MCM staff

Innotrac Corporation announced the results of its latest SmartHub eCommerce benchmark analysis, which was based on a sampling of orders placed in August of this year. The report evaluated over 100 merchants across 56 data points, tracking the entire eCommerce experience from ordering, to shipping, packaging, customer service, and returns.

Acquity Group Expands Canadian Presence

| MCM staff

Acquity Group, a Brand eCommerce and digital marketing company, has announced that it will be opening a Toronto, Canada office to help boost business development in North America.