Warehouse/Distribution Center, distribution center, fulfillment center, Walmart, QVC, Simon & Schuster, FedEx, Urban Outfitters, Conn's HomePlus

3 Must-Haves for a Successful Try-Before-You-Buy Policy

| Maria Haggerty

At-home try-on merchants such as Warby Parker mitigate many of the uncertainties and anxieties around purchasing online, but pose significant logistic and fulfillment challenges for retailers. Before offering try-before-you-buy, it’s important to understand the logistic and fulfillment implications associated with these types of policies. Here are three key tips you need to master in order to be a successful free, at-home try-on policy.

Shipping Promotions Major 2013 Holiday Focus

| Erin Lynch

A new study by Innotrac has found that the most popular types of promotions offered by merchants over the 2013 holiday season were shipping offers. In fact, 34% of all promotions offered in holiday 2013 were shipping related and the single most offered promotion during the holidays was free shipping.

Nordstrom to Open Fulfillment Center in PA

| Erin Lynch

Nordstrom has announced plans to open its third fulfillment center Elizabethtown, Pa. Construction for the 672,000-square-foot building began on Jan. 20 and is scheduled to open in summer 2015.

ecommerce fulfillment, shipping data, distribution data, Warehouse/Distribution Center, ecommerce shipping, direct-to-customer fulfillment

Untangling the Retail Supply Chain with Real-Time Analytics

| Dale Skeen

Retail supply chains are longer and more tangled than ever – the complexity of the data coupled with high customer expectations around service and reliability are taxing traditional approaches to supply chain management to their limits. In this article you will learn how to pinpoint problems faster, make adjustments quickly, prevent missed deliveries, and catch those out-of-stock situations before they can impact the customer.

Amazon Patents Futuristic Fulfillment Process

| Erin Lynch

In an effort to draw an even larger gap between itself and its competitors, Amazon has been awarded a patent that could potentially ship products to consumers before they even place an order. Welcome to Amazon’s new, futuristic fulfillment.

Returns, returns policy, holiday returns, retail, online retail, ecommerce, ecommerce fulfillment, operations and fulfillment, shipping/delivery

How to Maximize Returns Efficiencies and Minimize Cost

| Erin Lynch

As more and more merchants focus their ecommerce energy into creating a customer-centric organization, one of the best ways to set yourself apart from the competition is through your returns policy. Regardless of why a consumer returns a good, there are ways for merchants to develop an effective and efficient returns process that keeps customers coming back for more.