Better Market Segmentation…Without Losing Your Marbles
Think back to your childhood
Think back to your childhood
Holiday buyers are a unique segment of your catalog
Dayton, OH-based software provider JangoMail recently announced that its self-titled web-based e-mail marketing application has been upgraded to allow its customers to segment e-mail lists based on recipients’ past behaviors. Calling this new feature Behavioral Targeting, JangoMail allows customers to segment lists based on a recipient opening an e-mail, clicking a link in an e-mail, visiting a web site or making a purchase on web site, forwarding an e-mail, or replying to an e-mail.
Back in the 1980s, industry consultant Don Libey recalls he told a group of direct marketers about this up-and-coming medium called the Internet and how it would change everything everyone had ever learned about the tactic
Targeted marketing to customers will drive increased sales and profits, but most companies are overwhelmed by the idea of marketing one to one. The reality is that one-to-one marketing isn
In recent years, an increasing number of direct marketers are turning to private prospect databases as a means to combat the external forces that spoil their customer acquisition efforts. For marketers who use direct mail to acquire customers, challenges include declining response rates, list fatigue, lack of new names, shortened campaign times, and the need for timely postcampaign metrics. Not too long in our past, we could have dialed up our modeling efforts, but even sophisticated modeling techniques have their limitations against these industry forces.
Targeting inactive customers is the business-to-business mailer
Persona-based marketing is part Hollywood characterization and part business analytics. It involves constructing a fictional customer
As I write this, most catalogers are in the final stages of constructing their holiday marketing and circulation plans. Here are a few of the top issues and concerns I hear from marketers as they prepare for this most important season.