ecommerce fulfillment, shipping data, distribution data, Warehouse/Distribution Center, ecommerce shipping, direct-to-customer fulfillment

Using Big Data to Improve Contact Center Operations

| Erin Lynch

While big data might seem like it generally falls into the silo of the marketing department, more and more merchants are finding out that not only is it just as beneficial in the contact center, but it could also give you an edge against your competitors.

5 Tips on Creating Holiday Ready Customer Service

| Dennis Casey

With the holiday shopping season in full swing, merchants are looking to boost holiday sales this year. However, business could ultimately suffer if customer service is not up to par. Here are five tips that will lead to not only exceptional customer service across all channels but also a happy customer.

Returns, returns policy, holiday returns, retail, online retail, ecommerce, ecommerce fulfillment, operations and fulfillment, shipping/delivery

8 Tips for Creating a Solid Returns Policy

| Erin Lynch

While most merchants would prefer to not think about their returns policy, it’s imperative for every ecommerce company to have one. Not only is it good business, but it will also help customers trust your brand and the products that you sell. Here are eight tips designed to get you to master the art of the refund policy.

Retail Partners See NRF Show as Golden Opportunity

| Tim Parry

Vendors and suppliers to bricks and mortar retailers saw the NRF Annual Convention & EXPO in New York, which was attended by more than 27,000 people last week, as a golden opportunity to get 2013 off on the right foot.