free shipping, ecommerce fulfillment, Pitney Bowes, same-day delivery, consumer survey, holiday shopping season, 2015 holiday shopping

Keeping Holiday Promotions Alive During the Summer

| Zeke Hamdani

Many retailers regard the summer months as a slow time of year for promotions, but this does not have to be the case. Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and the Back To School season all provide opportunities to attract customers with special offers that appeal to convenience factors and/or price sensitivities.

Have You Considered Mobile Research In-Store?

| Lisa Cramer

Something’s amiss, but you can’t quite put your finger on it. Your in-store numbers aren’t hitting the mark and worse, they’ve become very unpredictable. It’s almost as if something else is determining what shoppers are buying. See why research is important for your business.

Curing A Business of the Survey Addiction

| David Trice

Given that customers are the most important, most valuable asset a business can possess, knowing and managing the performance of this asset should be just as rigorous as efforts to measure sales and revenue. Unfortunately, the measurement of customers typically begins and ends with the survey. There are numerous flaws with this approach.