Cover Your Assets

| MCM staff

Being in the Business of Helping organizations create better processes to control their inventory, I found it ironic when an insurance adjuster told me

Picking a parcel consultant

| Rob Martinez

Adown economy is always a good time to renegotiate vendor contracts, and your parcel carrier is no exception. For extra leverage, many large shippers

Some shipping processing systems

| MCM staff

AIVEA CORP. Products: E-Ship Shipping Manager (an end-to-end solution that works with nine major carriers); E-Ship Shipping Manager (a middle-layered

Supply Chain Concerns: Greenness, Security, Technology

| MCM staff

A recent survey of 1,644 supply chain executives conducted by Capgemini — in cooperation with the Georgia Institute of Technology, Oracle and DHL — shows that while 98% see green initiatives as essential for future business success, most are unwilling to invest additional funds in the greening of their supply chains.

Consider the Customer Before Warehouse Cutbacks

| Rene Jones

Given the recent chaos on Wall Street, now is a good time to be concerned about the financial health of your organization. And if there is any one place where you should be looking to find efficiencies and cost savings, it

Talking order fulfillment

| MCM staff

Voice-directed fulfillment has been a bit slow to catch on among direct merchants, compared to traditional retailers. Why? Part of the reason is that

Hire power; power hiring

| Liz Kislik

What with the turmoil in the economy and the availability of numerous seasoned executives, you might think this is an easy time to find staff. But that’s