| Lois Boyle-Brayfield

Have you mastered the box step? Not the pattern dancers practice when learning to waltz, the catalog box dance. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, the box dance is what your customers do

Best bets for site tests

| Larry Becker

Nearly every Website team tracks site conversion. But few really do anything about it. That is, few use scientific testing to discover real improvements.

Keeping DC costs at bay

| Curt Barry

Need to cut costs? Who doesn’t these days. While there’s not much you can do about postage or paper prices, your DC is a prime area for reducing costs.

Six steps to voice deployment success

| Larry Sweeney

Voice-directed work has been proven to significantly boost productivity, accuracy, safety and job satisfaction in distribution centers. But such results are most easily realized when organizations simultaneously plan for the people side of a voice deployment. Here are six steps to start.

Q&A : Lisa LaFave, Vice President, UPS

| MCM staff

Lisa LaFave, vice president, UPS, shares her views on how operations and fulfillment personnel can make their supply chains more efficient, advancements in packaging techniques and material handling equipment, and how the healthcare industry can improve its supply chain…