
| MCM staff

Touch of Class didn’t have the worst return rate, but 11% was bad enough. So the home decor cataloger started a quality assurance program. And it has

Listen Up

| MCM staff

We all know the drill. An order comes in, and the picker has to wade through sheets of labels to know what to pick. It takes time, and he also has to report that it’s complete. But there’s another way. The worker gets the order through a headset. When he’s finished, he says


| Jim Tierney

Boy meets girl. Boy proposes to girl. Boy and girl head down to the local department store and register for home items, such as place settings, stemware,

15 Tips to Combat Parcel Rate Increases

| Curt Barry

All the parcel carriers will complete their 2008 pricing announcements in the next few weeks. Given the size of the increases announced so far, multichannel companies need to look at all options open to them and develop short and long-term strategies to reduce the impact.

Voice Recognition Technology Hits the Desktop

| Vince Weseli

Voice recognition software has long been used to collect customer information for the customer service agent prior to the live connection of the call. But voice recognition software in use on the agent desktop is now showing promise in its ability to lower costs by reducing call handle times and provide a better service experience for the customer and agent.