Transpromotional Documents: The Good and the Bad
Are transpromotional documents the future of direct mail?
Are transpromotional documents the future of direct mail?
As Swiss Colony continues to increase the amount of apparel and hard goods it imports from China, the multititle mailer plans to open an office in Shanghai in October.
Opening arguments: The time has come to make a decision about your storage equipment. You have many options, but one over-riding important decision you need to make is whether to go with drawer storage cabinets or traditional shelving.
Once thought to be too expensive for the call center, e-learning is hot. Through the Web, E-learning allows your customer service reps to brush up on customer service skills or training between calls and shifts. This is the first in a three-part series on the value of e-learning.
In prior columns, I
Anyone would agree that slotting–the ideal placement of products in a warehouse–has an enormous effect on the productivity of a distribution center. In a typical picking system, it can mean the difference between 60 and 200 lines per man hour pick rates.
This series investigates what might happen if you think outside of the warehouse box and consider how changes made outside your distribution center may end up benefiting your operation and saving you money. Here are three tips to improve receiving.
Timeliness of deliveries, product condition, order accuracy and vendor compliance all affect customer satisfaction and ongoing profitability. When a company begins underperforming, improvements need to be made. The choices include making distribution improvements through process, technology and/or management modifications, or contracting with a third party logistics provider.
Here are the top 15 elements we review when assessing a current warehouse layout.
Harry & David’s largest distribution center is about to get a little bigger: The multichannel retailer best known for its Moose Munch candy mix and its Royal Riviera pears is adding 45,000 sq.-ft. to its Hebron, OH-based facility. The $16 million expansion will be completed in fall 2008.