Supporting Telephone, E-mail and Chat Inquiries

| Kathryn Jackson

Can one agent handle telephone, e-mail, and chat inquries? And is that even a good idea? That depends on the communication skills you evaluated your agents on prior to hiring them and/or any additional training you have provided them since. Verbal and written communication skills are two distinct competencies, and being well-versed in one doesn’t necessarily guarantee success in the other.

Four Steps in Selecting a Business System

| Curt Barry

Whether your company needs a commercially packaged warehouse management system, point of sales system, an inventory control system, a direct-to-customer order management system –or some combination of the aforementioned, selecting of the right system is a major undertaking.

Quick Tip: Behold the Mouse Cart

| MCM staff

Are you looking to build a better mouse trap in your facility? You might start with the mouse cart. What’s a mouse cart, you ask? The mouse cart is a unique vehicle that can get a picker quickly around the facility. It is ideal for instances that require long travels between picks.

Survey: Outsourcing Still Maturing

| MCM staff

A recent survey from Raleigh, NC-based supply chain solutions provider Tompkins Associates finds that despite its rapid growth, outsourcing is still a maturing industry,