| Susan W. Capparelle

Get a bucket, shake, and pour. Blending your choice of new technologies can create a customized solution for your contact center

Can This Relationship Be Saved?

| Rama Ramaswami

We admit it: We used those shockingly red lips on our cover to grab your attention. But what’s in our special section on contact centers is attention-grabbing as well.

Chain Reaction

| Ernie Schell

Paper-driven processes invariably push up operating costs Many catalog companies don’t even realize they have a supply chain, or if they do, it’s a one-dimensional

Civil Discourse

| Liz Kislik

Periodic meetings are needed in units with four or more workers In the work that I do with client companies on targeted change and improvement programs,

Alloy Teams with “Elle Girl”

| MCM staff

New York–Teen apparel and accessories cataloger Alloy Online and Hachette Filipacchi Magazines have partnered to develop editorial content and technology

Ahead of the Game

| Barbara Arnn

As stories and jokes about failed dot-coms proliferate, it begins to seem that they are all here today, gone tomorrow. But e-commerce and multi-channel


| Steve Harris

When the holiday season draws near, magazines dispense healthy doses of advice on how to survive family gatherings. Clearly, these are hugely stressful

Crossing the Bar

| Timothy Van Mieghem

Inspect process, not production, with overseas suppliers Preparing for an international audience through an appreciation of their culture and methods