| MCM staff

U.S. companies spend about $43 billion a year or 4.5 % of all logistics costs on handling returned merchandise, reports AMR Research Inc.

Care Package

| Bennett Voyles

Unless you ship jewelry or pharmaceuticals, package security probably doesn’t rank too high on your list of worries. Maybe once in a while a packer gets

Reverse Waltz

| David Pluviose

What, you might wonder, does dancing have in common with reverse logistics? Perhaps not much at first glance, but as soon as you introduce the metaphor

Customer Service

| Jeff Morris

DR. JON ANTONDirector, Benchmark ResearchCCDQ, Purdue University We all have our own stories of customer service nightmares. Our favorite is the time

India Inc.

| MCM staff

There’s no rubbing out India’s growing presence in international business. The country’s dominance in business process outsourcing is spreading far beyond

Service Call

| MCM staff

Ideally, Customer Service Day (if there were such a thing) would be every day. But sadly, it would, if instituted now, come around with the same frequency


| Jeff Siegel

THE STATISTICS seem to bear out the headlines. Capital spending has increased after two years of recession, and companies up and down the supply chain

Weights and Measures

| MCM staff

A SPEAKER AT A RECENT CONFERENCE described a benchmarking survey that his research firm had sent to leading retailers. At over 75 pages in length, and