Ten Social Media Mishaps to Avoid

| Tim Parry

Social media has been a charm for some merchants and a flop for others. But even the successful social sellers have made a faux pas or two along the way. And for many, making mistakes while trying to build their “social nation,” as social software provider Mzinga’s chairman/CEO Barry Libert calls it, has meant damaged reputations for their brands.

Merchants Face Up to Facebook

| Sherry Chiger

Orvis launched a Facebook page as a way of communicating with the fly fishers who make up a significant part of its audience. For Kmart Design, Facebook

Twelve Tips for Successful Tweeting

| Tom Funk

Engaging in back-and-forth dialogue and spreading the word about what others are saying are critically important parts of the Twitter ethos. But research in the 2010 Global Social Media Checkup study by consulting firm Burson-Marsteller indicates that too many companies are doing much more talking than listening.