Survey: WMS’ Underutilized

| MCM staff

A recent Supply Chain Consortium benchmarking and best practices survey of 100 top retail and related companies from Raleigh, NC-based consultancy Tompkins Associates reveals that too many organizations underutilize their warehouse management system (WMS) investment or do not make sound upgrade and replacement decisions.

Eco-Friendly Operations

| MCM staff

Given that interest in global warming is heating up and that fuel costs have risen considerably in recent years, many companies are seeking ways to be

Getting a read on operations

| MCM staff

Eric Cohen is the vice president of operations and merchandise planning for Delray Beach, FL-based Levenger, which describes itself as selling tools for

Working for Scale

| Kate Vitasek

It is a long-held belief among warehousing professionals that highly automated distribution centers are more challenging to modify in response to changes

Coping with the seasonal crunch

| MCM staff

By now, many of you are beginning to get the first waves of holiday orders. Are you as well prepared as you think you are? It’s not too late to make a


| MCM staff

The DCs of Madison County The novel The Bridges of Madison County may have put Madison County, IA, on the map, but Madison County, IL, is gaining attention