Mandate Fixation

| Thomas Ryan

WHEN YOU ARE COMPELLED to do something, you rush to get it over with. So it is with RFID. Pressured by mandates, manufacturers and distributors focus

Sweet Spot

| MCM staff

You probably knew that candy is the most popular Easter goodie, but did you know that if you laid all the eggs made at the Cadbury Creme Egg plant end

Paper Prices on the Rise

| MCM staff

Heightened paper demand has led at least three major North American mills to announce price hikes. Stamford, CT-based International Paper Co., Greenville,



NEED SOME EXTRA MONEY THIS YEAR? Take a look in your warehouse. See those pallets in the racks? What about all the cases on those shelves? What you are

Perfect Shipment

| MCM staff

99.9% That’s Herbalife’s order accuracy rate, pre-inspection. Impressive, but not good enough when you’re intent on shipping the perfect shipment. So,

Running on Empty

| Barbara Arnn

Although the slight improvement in the U.S. economy should translate into an upturn in the market for warehouse/distribution space, warehousing and DC

What He Said

| MCM staff

You know you’re important when a major research firm churns out an entire report analyzing your comments. In a first-ever occurrence for Wal-Mart, president

Checking Accuracy

| MCM staff

Q We plan to launch an employee incentive program to eliminate errors in the warehouse. To ensure that the right product is shipped, how can we motivate